Saturday, January 25, 2014

Dinner at Bishop's then VC duty

         We are having dinner at Bishop Munger's home.  Bishop Munger is at the head of the table in front.  We have three sets of Senior Missionaries in our ward.  Elder & Sister Burgess are left of the table.  Elder & Sister Lillywhite are at the end.  Elder Atwood is taking the picture.  Sister Atwood is behind Sister Munger.  Sister Munger is from Cambodia.  She invited all of us for Dinner last Monday evening.  She fixed Chicken & Dumplings and loves to cook.

         These are all the little Mungers.  They ate on the floor.  Makayla is nine, Ket is five, and Zack is 2.  They are full of life!

         After dinner, we went to the VC to substitute.  Sister Jorgensen, the fourth girl from the right with the long blond hair, used to teach this couple sitting on the couch.  He said he would never step foot in the church again, but they were both fans of the Wisconsin football team.  So, they let her visit them.  One week before she was transferred, he came to church.  It's been some time now and they came to visit her at the VC.  She took them thru the tour and asked, how they felt or if they had any questions.  They both pulled out new recommends!  They are going to be sealed in 4 more months.  It was an exciting evening for everyone.  We got to be part of it!!!

         The young sisters sing at the end of the tours.  The sister on the far left is from Las Vegas.  She is a strong girl, but was harassed by a couple just before we got there.  Unfortunately, some people are bitter and unkind about religion.  But, she bore her testimony to them and was a trooper!

        These are two of the Elders we work with in the ward.  Elder Grzan & Elder Hart.  They are teaching this lady, Amy Snow.  She went to the VC with us and the Elders and her son Gavin, who is seven years old.  She enjoyed it.  By the way, I gave her a copy of the Book of Mormon from Lanae Kirkham, with her testimony in it.  She loved the personal message.


  1. We love the pictures and the updates. Keep it up.

  2. Looks like a beautiful visitors center. Em and Josh love reading these posts!

  3. i also read and love this blog, thanks mom and dad!

  4. It's great to see pictures of what you are doing!!
